Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love the Ones You're With

I have a difficult time with transitions. I’m sure you’ve figured this out from earlier posts. With this being said, it came as a surprise to everyone, including myself, when I decided to make a transition at work. After 4 years of teaching 7th grade, I decided it was time to do something different.

This year I started teaching 6th grade, and I loved it. I loved the kids. I loved the curriculum. I loved the parent involvement (remind me of this during conference time). I loved the new people I worked with. The only thing that smarted was my desire to be with the people I had once been with.

I often have these desires. I wish like crazy that I could pull all the people I love together - all my favorite work colleagues on one hall, all my friends and family in the same neighborhood, all of my favorite church people on the same pew. I hate that the people I love get compartmentalized.

In a way, I guess I’m lucky. I know many people who have this. They have a small and intimate circle of loved ones, and they’re comprised largely of the home and workplace. This isn’t a bad life. I just seem to need more attention than that. ;)

I wish I didn’t have to choose between spending time with this one group of friends in order to spend time with another. I want them all to be one. I want them all to love each other the way I love them. I want a utopia of perfect friendships, and I want you to be there.

1 comment:

  1. I want to live in your utopia! (can that utopia be Serenbe? Please of please!)
