Which now leads me to the name of my blog. It comes from a line in a Waterdeep song. It says:
"And the joy when you restore me
I will stand and walk again
I will run into this world
I will call them to come in
But I will not point my finger
Or grow that wicked skin
They cannot remember
What I will not forget
How I broke You
How I'm broken"
- Put In Me by Waterdeep
I love this line. I love Waterdeep. I love music. I love the words that make up music, but I love these words in particular. I all the time remember how I'm broken, but this song reminds of the joy when He restores me. It's been my jam for the past week or so. Who knows what my next song will be?
I was talking with Romie (She's my roommate, but that's not a typo, for the purposes of this blog we're calling her Romie. It's to protect the guilty.) tonight, and how she doesn't really notice the words to songs. She can sing along to them, and can correct me when I sing them incorrectly. However, she doesn't think about the meaning of songs. I often ask her, "Is this song talking about X,Y, or Z?" Her response is always the same (not sure why I keep asking). She doesn't know.
I'm always thinking about what the words of songs mean. I sometimes think I synthesize the world in music. I think there may be a perfect song for every occasion. Happy, sad, angry, giddy, or discontent - there's a song for each one. There's a lyric that can sum it up perfectly. There's even a lyric that will name your blog.
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