Friday, March 26, 2010

A Bit of Excess

I realize that two posts in one day may be deemed a bit excessive, but I was super excited about having my first follower and my new layout. Although I must say, Kelly is much cooler than even the springiest of layouts.

I have had a secret friend crush on Kelly for quite some time. What's a friend crush you ask? Good question. You know when you meet someone, and you know that they are infinitely cooler than you are, but you secretly hope they want to be your friend anyway. That is a friend crush, and you're never too old for them. In some cases it works out. I'm hoping this is the case with Kelly. That is if I haven't ruined it by airing my friendly crushed out state on the internet. In some cases it doesn't.

I've had high hopes for this particular friend crush from the beginning, but there have been some extenuating circumstances that have kept us apart. Kelly has been pretty sick lately which means the forums in which we would normally see each other have been closed off. So perhaps now we can be internet friends.

In truth, I have lots of friend crushes on people at my church, and I'm just getting to the point at which I feel comfortable enough to act upon them. It's been pretty well received so far, but again, I may have spoiled it all by putting all my weird friendship needs on the web. Oh well, my mother told me that people who blog are crazy, and like with most things my mother is right.

I'm also excited that after three days of antibiotics, I no longer want to claw my own ears off. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but for me, it's pretty monumental. It's been hard for me to remember that love is not selective - not even with ears and hopefully not with friend crushes either.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I love a friend crush. Also, your momma is right. We are crazy.
