Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Broken Bookish Heart

I am ostensibly part of a Jane Austen book club. I was unable to attend our first meeting because . . . well, I honestly can't remember why, but I was so super excited for our second meeting. We would be discussing Northanger Abbey which I had not read before. We were to discuss the book, nosh on some goodies, and watch the latest BBC adaptation of the film.

I have been so pumped about it all day. I, in fact, turned down spending more time with my friend, Anna E, which I never do, in order to go. I kept checking the Facebook invite on my phone all day. We were to begin at 9 and end at 12. I thought this strange, but it fit in the with pseudo-gothic theme of the book. I did my deeds for the day and came home to make cheesey bread bites, perhaps, the most delicious treat in the whole world. Then, I waited.

At approximately 8:20 I tricked the dog into going into her crate. (We got a dog or Roomie did, I should say, but that is another post.) I put my cheesey bread bites which had cooled into a tupperware container, and sat down at my computer to look up my friend, Dana's, address. When I pulled up the event on my computer, you will imagine my shock and surprise when it says the event starts at 6 and ends at 9!

I was heart broken. The cheesey bread bites were heart broken. I'm pretty sure Jane is heart broken. The only one who is happy is Daisy, the dog, because she got to come out of her crate. What a sucky turn of events, for an otherwise delightful day. I'm going to go eat bread bites now.

1 comment:

  1. What a bummer. I'm so sorry FB tricked you in such a mean spirited way.
