Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm bringing modesty back!

I have a few fashions from the past that I intend to bring back into vogue.

For women:
1) Bonnets
2) Ankle length dresses and skirts
3) Moderately puffed sleeves
4) On occasion, the bustle

For men:
1) Tall hats
2) The cravat
3) Vests
4) Pocket watches

Be on the look out. They'll soon be all the rage.

"In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking, but now God knows, anything goes."
Cole Porter

Friday, July 9, 2010

School Supplies

I LOVE school supply season. I wish I had all the money in the world so that I could stockpile pencils and index cards. I picked a very good profession for all this nonsensical love. Please go to your local Target or Wal-mart to view the school supply section in all of its glory. You'll be glad you did.

Peace, love and Pencil packs,
Miss Sarah

Monday, July 5, 2010


I have these dreams of being a key player in a new arts and crafts movement. I have visions of myself knitting cute hats, sewing my own clothes, and selling handmade quilts at local shops.

I keep thinking that if I got rid of cable TV, I would have all of this time just to create. I'm pretty sure TV is just a scapegoat.